Tag: iphone themes SqNew
Overview :
by Square
Greetings to Ultimatemoe
And yep, it's an iOS 4 Theme, but should work on every iOS
To Install open up SSH Connection to your iPhone
and Copy Folder "SqNew.Theme" to:
after that activate the Design via Winterboard, Respring, Enjoy
UI Sounds by iElemtal
UI Images, iPod Skin by Dulce by iPhaze
Icons by Suave by Thyraz
SMS Bubbles by Iphaze and Recolored by me
Lockscreen Battery is from Cydia Package Battery GlowLines Blue and also Recolored by me
Lockscreen Slider is by Flikar © Mattias Johan Ekström
Rest by Me, I hope i did'nt forget to mention anything from anyone, if so please contact me