Overview :
Hi dear friends
This is Porsche GT theme 1.0 ...
I hope you enjoy your viewing. I will quickly walk you through the installation process so you can manage your theme as fast as possible.

Here it is how it works!
Basically all need to do in first place is to upload all these files to the Library/Themes folder in iphone via ifunbox application for example and then proceed to the installation.
When you're finished there are couple of programs that you have to install in cydia. I will write them down but first your iphone or ipod touch must be jailbroken. If you're not sure or don't know what that means you should get familiar how to make that happen for your device and then proceed towards.
Now the list of programs you will need for this theme:
1) Winterboard (general theming application).
2) iBlank (application that creates invisible icons).
3) iCategories (folder app. that can contain many iphone/ipod touch applications).
4) SpringJumps (application that enables you to quickly jump over the springboard pages).
5) Clock Hide (application that hides the lockscreen clock).
6) Smart Widgets Lite (application that allows you to have multiple widgets on the lockscreen).
7) Yet Another Clock (smart widget for the lockscreen)
You can find all these programs in Cydia. They are all free of charge so don't worry about that
1) Upload all files in the package in Library/Themes.
2) Open iBlank and create 16 blank icons.. then wait until they show on the springboard.
3) Put 4 blank icons on top of every page so that you can see the home, apps, games and net text. You should now have only 8 app icons per page. Look at the way how it is done in the example:
0 0 0 0 ---> 4 blank icons
x x x x
x x x x
0 0 0 0 ---> not nessesary to put
blank icons there...you can move your apps just by dragging them to the second page if they are more than 8. If you have more than 8 apps for the any of the specific categories, use iCategories to include the exceeding ones into folders.
4) Open SpringJumps and set the Page Titles to OFF. Then open Jump Icons and set the first 4 jumps to ON. Rename the first one to Home, the second - Apps, the third - Games and the last one to Net. That's it for the Springjumps. Now exit and respring.
5) Install the lockscreen wallpaper which is in Extras folder in the package.
6) Start the Yet Another Clock Widget
If you desire to have only one background on your springboard you have to remove the SpringJumps app and page0 - page3.png from the main Theme folder and then have a single one image called "Wallpaper.png"
You can find the original Smoog iconset used with the theme here:
There is an Extra folder in the package including many other images and customized sliders for you! Also there are the PSD files in case you want to modify something.
That's all of it guys! Hope you like my work!
You can motivate me for my next project if you find it somehow delicious for your taste
Paypal: loveguitars@gmail.com
Thank you!!!
Wish you all best! )